Potain MD 559

Tower Crane Information

Max Cap (US Tons) 22
Fixed Jib (ft) 262

Potain MD 559 Crane Overview and Specifications

The Potain MD 559 is a hammerhead tower crane with a maximum radius of 262 feet. The maximum lift capacity is 22 U.S. tons and the maximum lift capacity at maximum length is 5.2 tons. The hook height of the MD 559 is 218 feet.

Efficiency is the hallmark of the MD 559. The crane can be calibrated in 15 minutes, allowing for less waste of time on the jobsite. The 270/320 LVF hoist winch hoists at 197 feet per minute with a 22-ton load and 531 feet per minute for a 6.4-ton load. Every Potain MDT and MD crane use the same cabs and control systems, allowing for operators to become easily familiar with the MD 559 if they have previous experience in an MDT or MD series Potain. Each of these innovations saves both time and money for the operator.\

Because of the standard two fall rope configuration, this crane is ideal for heavy lifts. Ergonomically designed controls, a job dial, and graphic displays are just a few of the items included in the cab to allow for increased control, and therefore increased safety and efficiency on the jobsite. An optimized mast composition and base ballast achieve greater height under hook and reduce transportation and installation cost respectively.

If you are interested in learning more about the Potain MD 559, please contact one of Bigge’s sales professionals at 1 (888) 897-2444.