Goldhofer’s PST and THP Trailers - Understanding the Difference
Bigge’s Perfect Fleet of over 250 lines of Goldhofer trailers is available for immediate bare lease.
We offer three different types of off-road and two types of on-road Goldhofer trailers. Each is designed with specific advantages.
The two self-propelled trailers are PST/SL and PST/SL‑E models. These powered trailers designed for onsite loads and eliminate the need for a prime mover. The combinations can range from 4 to 100 lines. The third kind of off-road trailer is a mechanical steer trailer that comes in regular or split configurations. THP/SL trailers, referred to as THP, are designed to be towed by a prime mover or connected to PST/SL self-propelled trailers.
For example, a 10 line self-propelled trailer, typically consists of a 6 line PST/SL trailer connected to a 4 line THP/SL.
Here is a quick recap of each module to help you choose the right configuration for your heavy haul transport:
Off-Road Goldhofer Trailers
- Goldhofer PST/SL is a powered unit that is self-propelled connects with a THP trailer. We currently offer 6 axle PST/SL trailers for lease. These are commonly referred to as PST trailers.
- Goldhofer PST/SL‑E is an electronic steered and self-powered self-propelled trailer, similar to a Goldhofer PST/SL but without mechanical connections. The trailer is more maneuverable, offering greater than 90-degree turning capabilities. Electronic steer trailers offer maximum maneuverability and productivity.
- Goldhofer THP/SL are mechanical trailers that were the original platform trailer and the most reliable and economical. These heavy-duty transport units are commonly known as THP trailers and are mechanically steered. They are designed to be towed or connected to self-propelled PST trailer.
On-Road Goldhofer Trailers
- Goldhofer THP/CA are trailers that are typically used to transport heavy loads over public roads. The trailers are driven by street legal prime movers. The axle spacing is 9 ft. 1 in. between each axle and complies with the federal bridge formula recognized in the majority of the states. This trailer has become the standard for moving super heavy loads.
- Goldhofer THP/DL are similar to the THP/CA but offer different axle spacings and narrower axles.
Bigge carries over 250 Goldhofers in every configuration that are now available for bare lease. Please call us or request a quote, and we will help you choose the right combination for your heavy load project.